What Do Streaks Mean on Snapchat?

Snapchat Streaks Mean

Snapchat is an American multimedia instant messaging app, that can be used for voice messages, video calls, chat and sharing the in-moment snapshots with your friends and family anywhere in the world.

A key principle feature of Snapchat is that the messages and pictures are usually available for a short period until you open the chat, once you then the chat will get erased until and unless you have saved them.

It’s an app that lets users exchange pictures and videos which we call (snaps) and also maintains “streaks”.

It works on both the devices like Android and iOS.

So, if you are eager to know more about streaks and how to maintain them, you have arrived at the right article/post, as we will briefly acknowledge you about all the relevant details about Snapchat

Let’s get started:

What are Snapchat streaks? Or what is the meaning of Snapchat streaks?

We are so surprised to know that so many people are interested to know about snapchat streaks and with this article, we will help to tell you each and everything about it.

Streaks or snaps are one time seen able pictures or videos that you can share with the people you like and have added as a friend on snapchat.

And a streak is made when you and that friend share pictures constantly for more than ‘3’ consecutive days and is denoted as the emoticon of ‘🔥’ fire in front of the chat of that person, and it has been made some kind of a game too in seeing with whom you maintain the longest snap streak record and it tends to be an enjoyable challenge.

Rules to maintain the snap streak or how do streaks work on snapchat?

You have to share a snap at least once in a while in 24 hours and so it marks the total number of days two people have been sharing snaps since they added each other as friend and every time they share a snap and snap score grows.

So, that are all the prerequisites you need to know to begin sending snaps, what are you waiting for? Go and start your invaluable moments today!

For more read -  https://onlinegeeks.net/snapchat-streak-lost-how-to-snapstreak-get-back/

Online Geeks May 20, 2022
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